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Q: Is there any quota for the employment of foreigners in engagement of mid-level technical work?


(1) Yes. In order to protect the right to employment of Taiwan nationals, maximum quotas are imposed on employers in particular industries when applying to employ intermediate skilled workers, but there is no limit to the overall number of intermediate skilled workers. In principle, the quota for applying to employ intermediate skilled workers is limited to the foreign worker allocation ratio in individual industries or the approved number of foreign workers granted to employers multiplied by 25% (note: not applicable to all industries. For example, in the net-pen culture fishing industry the number of intermediate skilled workers is based on the fishing rights license or the culture surface area detailed in the fishing license, with one worker hired per half kilometer. Likewise, the number of live-in care workers cannot be more than the number of care recipients).
(2) In addition, in the deep-sea fishing (net-pen cage culture fishing), manufacturing industry, extensive farming work, agricultural works (limited to orchid, mushroom, vegetable), the number of migrant workers in employment, the number of mid-level technical workers, and number of foreign professional technical personnel as stated under the same labor insurance certificate number shall not be more than 50% of the total number of employees. In the case of manufacturing industry, the total number of the above foreigners shall not be more than 50% of the payroll population under the human resources requirement model of the Engineering Budget Act. Unless additional quota is granted by the Executive Yuan.