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Q: How to recruit domestic workers for performing mid-level technical work when employers plan to recruit foreigners in engagement of mid-level technical work?


1. Employment of intermediate skilled workers must start with efforts to recruit domestic workers. The procedure is the same as that for employing domestic workers before hiring foreign workers:
(1) Employment of intermediate skilled live-in care workers: A local long-term care center in the work area should recommend domestic care workers.
(2) Employment of intermediate skilled workers from other sectors: employers should recruit through public employment service agencies in the work area and offer domestic workers reasonable terms and conditions of labor service.
2. From June 1, 2023, any employer who has attempted to recruit domestic workers using one of the following methods and observed regulations on reasonable terms and conditions of labor, recruitment ad content, union notification or labor and notices, stipulated in Paragraphs 1 to 3, Article 17 of the Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers who is unable to hire sufficient workers and wants to recruit foreign workers should apply for a recruitment certificate from an employment services agency in the work area within 60 days of the recruitment period ending. The domestic recruitment process prior to hiring foreign workers is no longer required:
(1) The employer files a recruitment registration with a public employment services agency and agrees to make public the recruitment registration information on the TaiwanJobs website, seeking to recruit domestic workers for a minimum of 7 days after registering.
(2) The employer posts a recruitment ad on the TaiwanJobs website and seeks to recruit domestic workers for a minimum of 7 days after registering.