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Q: Can a valid recruitment permit letter be used as a supporting document for the recruitment of intermediate skilled workers? Is an employer thereafter not required to obtain the re-verification of qualifications and when recruiting domestically?


(1) No. Verification of qualifications must be obtained even if there is a valid recruitment permission letter: a valid recruitment permission letter does not prove the validity of other required documents (for example when the employer receives the recruitment permission letter, the Industrial Development Administration verification letter could be no longer valid). In addition, vacancies for intermediate skilled workers and foreign workers are not the same in Taiwan so a recruitment permit cannot be used as proof of qualification. 
(2) Domestic recruitment must be undertaken even if the employer has a valid recruitment permission letter: The salaries of migrant workers and intermediate skilled workers recruited in Taiwan are not the same and work skills are also different. Employers with a valid recruitment permission letter are still required to undertake domestic recruitment.