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Home / Application Process and Notes

Construction jobs

Confirm Employer (Applicant’s) Eligibility


·Employer’s Eligibility to Apply:

Any one of the following conditions should be met:

       1. Construction Engineering:

   (1) Employers undertaking public works (infrastructure) contracts with government agencies, administrative bodies, or public enterprises and having a contract value totaling NT$100 million or more, and a project duration of at least 1 year and 6 months.

   (2) Employers undertaking major construction projects invested by private institutions, having an engineering/construction contract with the private entity, and having a contract value totaling NT$200 million or more, with a contract duration of at least 1 year and 6 months.


       2. General Construction:

   Employers meeting the requirements of construction-related regulations are recognized as having undertaken ongoing construction projects and meeting the criteria specified in Attachment 9-1 of the Blue-Collar Worker Review Standards.


·Number of Employee Quotas for Employer Applications:

       1. Construction Engineering:


   (1) According to the manpower allocation ratio of the Engineering Expenditure Method (20% to 40%, or as determined by special approval from the Executive Yuan) * 0.25.


   (2) The total number of migrant workers, foreign intermediate skilled workers, and foreign professionals shall not exceed 50% of the total workforce. However, specialized or technical foreign workers hired by employers, subject to special approval from the Ministry of Labor after consultation with the central competent authority, shall not be counted in the total number of foreign workers hired.


       2.General Construction:

   (1) 30% of the average number of employed workers in the previous year, calculated based on the number of employees two months before the month of the employer's application * 25%.

   (2) The total number of migrant workers, foreign intermediate skilled workers, and foreign professionals shall not exceed 50% of the total workforce. However, specialized or technical foreign workers hired by employers, subject to special approval from the Ministry of Labor after consultation with the central competent authority, shall not be counted in the total number of foreign workers hired.