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Home / Application Process and Notes

Family Nursing Jobs


Confirmation of Employer (Applicant) and Care Recipient Eligibility


·Employer’s Eligibility to Apply:

The employer and the care recipient must have any one of the following relationships of kinship:

  1. Spouse.
  2. Direct blood relatives.
  3. Relatives within the third degree of kinship.
  4. Stepparents, stepchildren, parents or stepparents of the spouse, or the spouse of children or stepchildren.
  5. Grandparents and the spouse of grandchildren, step-grandparents and grandchildren, or step-grandparents and the spouse of grandchildren.


Care Recipient Eligibility (any one of the following conditions):

  1. Classified as having severe disabilities under specific physical and mental disability categories.(physical and mental disability categories)
  2. Under the age of 80 and assessed by an accredited medical institution through a professional evaluation team as requiring full-day care.
  3. Aged 80 or older and assessed by an accredited medical institution through a professional evaluation team as requiring severe dependency care.
  4. Aged 85 or older and assessed by an accredited medical institution through a professional evaluation team as requiring mild dependency care.
  5. Using long-term care services (limited to at-home care, daytime care, or family care) continuously for six months or more.
  6. Having a diagnosis certificate of dementia issued by a neurologist or psychiatrist, accompanied by or including the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale, with a score of one or above, must be provided.


The person under nursing care who meets any of the following conditions can apply without the need for a professional assessment from the medical team at the medical care institution:

  1. An employer who is currently hiring a foreign worker to engage in family nursing care for the same care recipient.
  2. The person under nursing care was previously cared for by the foreign worker referred to in the preceding clause and meets any of the criteria listed in Schedule 3 “Review Standards and Employment Qualifications for Foreign Workers Engaging in Work Specified in Subparagraphs 8 to 11, Paragraph 1, Article 46 of the Employment Service Act” < Schedule 3>
  3. The person under nursing care was previously cared for by the foreign worker referred to in the preceding clause and is over the age of 75.
  4. The employer is applying for an extension of work permit


·Number of Employee Quotas for Employer Applications:

  1. Only one foreign caregiver is allowed at a time for the same care recipient, a currently employed foreign caregiver may be directly transferred.
  2. However, an additional foreign caregiver may be permitted if the care recipient is diagnosed as being in a vegetative state or scores zero on the Barthel Index, and if there is no expected recovery within six months.